About Shawn Struck

Graphic & Web Design


Offsite Links

How To Contact Shawn Struck:

You can reach me via e-mail at:


I'm happy to be interviewed. I prefer e-mail interviews but I can also do phone interviews, or interviews via Skype.

Please query me before sending questions (let me know who you are, for whom you are writing the interview, and how you wish to conduct the interview). If you are a journalist on a short deadline (like, say, by the end of the work day), you may include questions or a contact number.

You can also find me elsewhere on the web at:
Twitter at shawnstruck
Tumblr at shawnstruck
The 1UP Network as shawnstruck
YouTube as shawnstruck
Metafilter as shawnstruck
LastFM as shawnwho
LiveJournal as theotherbaldwin
Blogger as shawnstruck













Final Fantasy Features
